I finally downloaded my camera this evening and thought I'd put up a few pictures from our trip. There were 275 pictures in the camera, some good, some not. I will spare you most of them. Enjoy.
Taking the train to the Grand Canyon for the day
Joseph (who can't just smile for once) and Spencer (at least someone cooperated!)
My Crew: Living Life on the Edge
(and no one fell in despite the ice and no guard rail what-so-ever)
Erica and Greg
(much better spot to hang out, notice the guard rail!)
Erica, Joseph (he's fine, the ham), Shan, and Spence
Phoenix Zoo
Ryan and Steven and the Big Mouth Frog
Joseph avoiding proof that he was there
Greg obtaining proof that Joseph was there, so sneaky
Steven, Shan, Erica, Ryan
Madde, Erica, Katelyn
Greg and Spence (and cousin Sara in the stroller)
Okay, the picture where you commented about the guard rail being there cracked me up. Notice Katelyn climbing through? Haha!
I hadn't noticed that little bit of irony! At least there are bars to hold onto. The first picture had nothing but that little wall and the bottom of the canyon. It was a tad nerve racking when the kids wanted to climb onto the wall so they could throw their snowballs just a little bit farther. Sheesh!
What fun memories! It looks like you all enjoyed your trip.We are afraid to take Kaleb to the Grand Canyon when there is no snow or ice on the ground, I can't imagine being there when you went!
Thanks for posting! I love the pictures! We did the Grand Canyon Railway trip a couple of years ago and loved it. And that guard rail thing really bothered me. I was so glad that we left our 2-year-old behind with grandparents. I was worried enough about the older kids. But then again, who is more daring...a 2-year-old boy or an 11-year-old boy?? It's a toss up!
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