Hello.... Anyone still out there? I just noticed the date of my last post and realized I have been blissfully unaware of the days whizzing by. Between Christmas, New Year's, and a fantastic family reunion in AZ, I've not really thought much about posting anything. In fact, this one will have no pictures because I haven't downloaded my camera yet and I'm too lazy to get up and get the disk of pictures my sister-in-law made for us. Yes, we had a fabulous time visiting with family and, no, in some ways it just wasn't long enough. We were, however, happy to arrive safely home, unpack our suitcases, sleep in our own beds, and go back to school today (I was, anyway, the kids, not so much!). I'll post a few pictures of the trip after I finish some grocery shopping, catch up on regular life, put Christmas away, and jump back into Young Womens activities and New Beginnings. That ought to be sometime at the end of March. Check back then.
So, about the title. My parents put in their mission papers the week before Thanksgiving and they finally received their call the day after Christmas. Finally. We were just outside of Kingman, AZ on our way to the Phoenix area when we got the call. Lucky Washington D.C. Just a few short weeks after our new president-elect is sworn in, our fair capitol gets to welcome and become the home for my parents for the next couple of years. Their arrival probably won't make the news, nor will it be accompanied by any fanfare, dinners, or balls (MUCH to Dads delight!), but we'll be watching closely and anxiously awaiting any news on their new adventures. For those that know the area, they'll be in the Washingtin D.C. North mission which mainly covers the Maryland portion of that metropolitan area (north and east of the Potomac).
Ok, that's it for today. New Year's resolution #1 says "Get to bed between 9:00 and 10:00". It's now 10:05, so I'm already late in the first week. That doesn't bode well for the rest of the year. Off to repent and do better. Good night!
Family Makes My Heart Happy
1 month ago
That is very exciting news! I had to smile thinking of your dad at his own mission inauguration ball. Too funny! Keith went to DC, but he was South. I'm sure it will be a wonderful experience for them!
I wish I could have had time to talk to you when you came down. I got to play with your boys in primary and that was great. Glad you had a good trip.
Yeah! and Darn! We're in the D.C. south mission. So close, yet so far away. Perhaps we'll run into them sometime at the white house (the D.C. temple, of course) or something. If they ever sneak over the Potomac to the Virginia side, we're right there.
How Exciting!
Congrats to your parents. I like your new year's resolution #1 - I ought to try that one too!
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