Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Authors, again

I didn't know what I had done with Ryan's story from Pack Meeting when I last posted, but I found it. Yea, me! I figure I can't post one and not the other. So, here goes. Once again, spelling and punctuation are true to the original. Also, each line was written on a different page.

If I hadn't followed that dog...

I would not have gone to the ganck yard and...
I would not have gone to the grave yard and...
I would not have gone to the flower garden and...
I would not have gone to the deep swomp and...
I would not have gone to the swooer in new york sity and...
not have gone to the forest with lions.

Can I just say that I love reading stories the kids make up when they're young. The handwriting, spelling, and pictures (when they have them) are so precious.


Carrie said...

Great stories! I think you have a couple of authors on your hands.

Kathleen said...

Both boys did a great job. I love going back and looking at my girls early years in writing, it is fun to see all the misspellings and thought process. Thanks for sharing.

Karen said...

That was one of my favorite parts of teaching 1st and 2nd grade - great job to all of them on their stories. I love creative writers!

Keith and Nicci said...

Just realized I eft that last comment from my friend's account - that was from Nicci!

Baby Oven said...

Your boys must have a different thought process than me because I was never good at writing stories. Good for them!

Anonymous said...

Ditto to all of the previous comments. And Shannon - you look great! Must be all of that walking up and down to school. Good for you!