...I have an interesting situation. Hopefully someone can explain why. For the past several months, the reception on my clock radio gets clearer when I sit up out of bed- really, it does. I figure it has something to do with the antenna. This morning I discovered that if I just stuck my arm in the air the radio goes from totally static to perfectly clear. Too bad it only works if my whole arm is straight up- doesn't work with a bent elbow or just a finger. Otherwise I could sleep a little longer. The static is too annoying. I don't understand why this works. My clock radio and I are in opposite corners of the room, so it's not like I bump it or anything when I move. I can't even fix the reception to begin with because when I stand up and move over to the clock the reception is perfect. Any physics or electrical wizzes (I don't know how to spell this for sure and the spell check wants to change it to "wheezes"!) out there that know why this happens? I'm sure I learned this at one point but my brain didn't hold on to the information very well. Thanks!
Maybe you should google it? I don't know, weird. Maybe your body or your arm or whatever makes the radio waves bounce off in a way that helps them make it to the radio? LOL
BTW, my word verification is cougar. Haha!
Maybe your arm or body blocks some other appliance in the room, or fan motor...thinking of how you are on a cordless phone, go near your kitchen and get static, move away and it goes away. I asked Arlen, he says not electrons on you, as you are too far away....maybe it is just your powerful spirit! (When we get the expert to say what is happening, I'll look like an idiot, but that is ok.) Can you move your alarm to a different spot and see if that helps? I could trade you alarms. I have one with chimes, water sounds and crickets, etc. They all annoy me. I could use some static!
but, in answer to your question on my blog earlier this week: the sandi nielson that gave us the pics is not the same sandy nelson as the mother of breezy. however, there is a girl named breezy in our stake and so i imagine that is the same person. is their blog private? if not, let me know their blog address and i can confirm it by looking at it.
have a great weekend!!!
Sandi Nielson is married to a bishop. Sandy Nelsen (mom of Breezy) is married to a non member. Ask Beth....I don't want all of my person info on this, and can't believe I am commenting on a comment. The real crack up is, I was minding my own business at stake conference awhile back and they said we would like to hear from Sandy Nelsen...I was just thinking how wonderful it was that I would never had to speak...nearly passed out, then thought, oh, They mean Sandi Nielson. Sure enough. They corrected themselves and it was she they wanted to talk. I do have some trek pictures of my Breezy, but I only showed up in Heber to retrieve her, was not on the trek as trublu.
That happens to me all the time. Couldn't guess why, but I totally identify!!
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